In Opposition

Love and Strife


True love is unconditional, but to truly flourish it requires an ongoing commitment to constructive struggle and change.1

I have always thought that if I found the right way of thinking, clouds would dissolve, skies would turn blue, oceans might even part for me to walk through.2 If I believe that love is the answer, then I should bring that attitude of love to the cosmos. If I do that, the cosmos will love me back, right? But how does the cosmos love except through living beings? Then an attitude of love will bring love in return from all living beings, right? But that is not how it is. I eat this animal and harvest that plant in order to survive. Sometimes the animals and plants want to eat or harvest me. They need to survive too.

This business of survival is where the strife comes from. The goal is to wrap the strife with our love. Good things can happen, though probably not blue skies and ocean parting.

  1. All About Love: New Visions (Love Song to the Nation Book 1) by bell hooks

  2. A paraphrasing of a line from Everybody Loves Me Baby by Don Mclean